LQA is both a tool and API for LAVA quality assurance tasks. It stands for LAVA Quality Assurance and its features go from submitting LAVA jobs, collect tests results, and query most of the LAVA metadata.

It is a tool developed by Collabora and it is the standard way to submit test jobs for Apertis images.


Fetch the latest code from the git repository and install using python pip as it will handle automatically the required dependencies::

$ git clone https://gitlab.collabora.com/collabora/lqa
$ pip install --user lqa/

An alternative method is to use Python virtual environment to confine LQA dependencies to a specific directory instead of system wide.

git clone https://gitlab.collabora.com/collabora/lqa
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install pyyaml
pip install lqa/

Now you can make a symlink to the lqa script inside the venv/bin directory for running it by simply calling lqa.

cd ~/bin
ln -s /<path to where the venv dir is>/venv/bin/lqa lqa


The lqa tool uses a global configuration file with the default name lqa.yaml. This file can be found by lqa in different ways, though the simplest way is to place this file inside the directory ~/.config/.

The configuration file has three main fields: user, auth-token and server.

These names are very self-explanatory, user is your LAVA user name, auth-token is the LAVA API token (generated from the web UI at https://lava.collabora.dev/api/tokens/), and server is the LAVA server URL address:

server: 'https://lava.collabora.dev/'

Save this file as ~/.config/lqa.yaml and now test your configuration:

$ lqa whoami

If everything is good, the above command should show your authenticated user name and you should be all set to start using lqa!